June 27, 2014

Important Deadlines approaching

Extension deadlines are approaching.  If you filed an extension for the following entities, the due date is as follows: (this assumes the fiscal year ended 12/31/13):

  • Partnerships (Form 1065) -   8/15/14
  • Trusts & Estates (1041) -  8/15/14
  • S-Corp (Form 1120S) -  9/15/14
  • C-Corp (Form 1120) -  9/15/14
  • Most other 1120 forms -  9/15/14

For individuals who filed an extension for 2013, those returns are due 10/15/14.

Other up-coming deadlines:

  • Payroll reports - Minnesota Wage & UI, as well as Federal 941 for the 2nd quarter of 2014 is due 7/31/14
  • Estimated Taxes for Individuals taxpayers - 3rd quarter payment is due 9/15/14

LFC contact information:   info@lfconinc.com