August 10, 2020

Recent Executive Order Signed to extend Covid-19 Relief

 On August 6th, 2020 the president signed an executive order to extend relief as the Covid-19 crisis continues.  Provisions of the executive order include:

  • Extended enhanced unemployment benefits - these benefits will be extended to the end of the year.  They have been reduced from $600 to $400 per week.  States will be responsible for 25% of the cost.
  • Payroll tax holiday - starting September 1st and to the end of the year, a withholding tax holiday will be in place.  This means that the Social Security and Medicare portions of employee taxes will not be withheld.  This represents a 7.65% increase in ones pay but is limited to those employees making less than $100,000.  
  • Federal Eviction Moratorium extended for those living in federally subsidized and federally backed housing.
  • Student loan payment suspension extended to the end of the year and maintains the 0% interest period.  

Payroll tax holiday is only a deferral.  The deferral may become permanent and part of a broader tax cut package later.  Also, the president has left open the possibility of making the tax holiday retroactive to August 1st.